International Partnership Junior High School with Billingual Classes in Wieprz- UNESCO Associated School,is situated in the south of Poland.Wieprz is a village belongs to the Radziechowy-Wieprz district in Żywiecczyzna region.
Our school is a secondary school and it was established in 1999. Education here lasts three years. There are 108 students,between 13 and 16 years of age attending the school and 19 teachers working on it.Its aim is to provide the pupils with an educational environment that is intellectually,physically and culturally challenging,so that they can grow into balanced,mature and confident adults. In the institution there is an active student goverment which influence the school life to the large extent. Parent's council supports the school activities.
The activities of our school have been so far channeled into Unesco's four major areas of concern and cluster around the following:
a) World concerns and the role of the United Nations System;
b) Education for sustainable development;
c) Peace and human rights;
d) Intercultural learning
Our teachers have initiated number of events which have been organised systematically,for example programmes connected with prophylaxis,diffrent competitions and tournaments. We also organise school trips which let students know their country,see diffrent regions,learn geography or history in a much more practical way. At school we celebrate our national days and organise parties for students.
Teachers and students organise various charities to help other people. In Junior High School there also exists a drama club and since 2001 there has been published the school periodical "Głos Gimnazjum"(The Voice of the Junior High School).
Our Junior High School is really engaged in diffrent European issues. We have organised a school exchange with Spain,Malta,Lithuania,Ukraine and Russia. Our students have an opportunity to learn four foreign languages: English,German,Spanish and Russian. Our teachers have improved their English skills during language courses in Great Britain,Australia and Malta.